Friday, December 20, 2013

Vanity & Lace!


I love keeping a dresser or counter top
Or even a bathroom vanity
Free of clutter 
By containing it all in a 
Vanity Tray

They had it right years ago when these 
Trays where in every ladies private space! 

Crochet Table cloths,
B E A U T I F U L 
Made by hand.
Hard to believe they have left the families they where made for.
But keeping them current on chairs or beds are another way
Of honouring the hours of work 
And Love 
That went into them.

All these and more 
Vintage Home
Perfect for Christmas and for Gifts!
Are you ready for Christmas?

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Urban Christmas Market

Always a fun Market
The ladies at 
Have done it again!
Heres a quick peek at our booth!

These chairs 
To go on either side
Of a

Lots of Crochet Table Cloths!

Our talented daughter 
Did a lot of 
Chalk art
Aren't those Blue dishes adorable!
They are called "Snow White"!

Salt & Pepper Shakers
Milk Glass

She also did a bit of painting,
Deer heads!
All the pretty necklaces went...
To become lovely bracelets!

I made a music sheet and 
Brown paper bag garland.

A bit of Vintage Tea dyed Candlewick Chenille
And a dollar store attempt at a craft!
My daughter took the white ones
(you can just see them in the first picture on top of the pink cabinet),
The others where popular too!

Lots more of these great items are at our booth!
Now to concentrate on Christmas!
Are you ready for the Holidays?