Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Such Beautiful Lace Trim 

Working on another idea for 
Magazine Article
just finished one before Christmas with the amazing

Who likes LACE? 
What great things have you done with it?


  1. Best wishes to you on your article! I used a little lace at Christmas this year. I'm going to make some pillow covers soon - you inspired me to grab some of that lace and see if I might want to use it on them. Hope you are enjoying your day!


  2. I love lace - and wish I could get married all over again so I could have a vintage lace dress!
    I've been using it inbetween crochet to make jar cosies - they are on my current blog post
    Glad I found your blog...fee x

  3. That lace is wonderful !!...love from me...xxx...

  4. I love old lace but don't find as much as I used to..Old tableclothes are my favorite, I think...I like to use it on windows and layered on tables.

    Looking forward to your piece in Canadian Living. What issue will it be? xo

  5. I have been dreaming of using the old Catholic veils of my mother to make pillow cases. Some were recycled as shawls, and they look rather nice:)

  6. Oooooh, that's beautiful. It's nothing really something I run across often but I do love the look.

  7. I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see more of that gorgeous lace! I love CLM. The Barnes and Noble in Boise usually carries it, so my daughter could pick me up one.
    I LOVE lace too and I don't think anyone can have too much of it, do you? I have been dreaming of designing my own clothes with some of the lace I have been collecting--nowhere to wear it here though, so I guess I'll just have to lounge around in the house in it :)

    I saw your last post and from what I can see...that is going to be one darling baby blanket my friend!
    sending love...

  8. I LOVE LACE I DO!!!!

    How are you my dear? Thank you for stopping by to wish me a happy Valentines! Are you enjoying your art?I am, while working part time.

    May you enjoy a lovely week, month and YEAR of unending love and joy. Anita

  9. Thanks so much Colleen for getting back to me. I am relieved to know that I didn't mess something up.
    Your darling little grandson melted my heart. You must be over the moon. It is so much fun being a gramma. You are going to have SOOOO much fun with him!!!
    hugs from here...

  10. Good afternoon!

    I love lace. I wear it however, instead of using it in my home. I enjoy lace curtains, but lately, I have been on this kick for having very simple sheer drapes or nothing! There are a lot of gray days here and I need to have the light in my house!

    Thank you for coming by to visit! And best wishes on your magazine article; I am also planning to submit one in as well.AND Koralee's book is SO LOVELY! Anita
