Friday, June 7, 2013

near my kitchen sink

Another picture of my kitchen sink area! 

My friend Laura gave me the sweet bird!
The milk glass lamp is from my parents collection, I wish I had thought to take a few other ones when they where down sizing!

I like to corral everything on a tray. My small attempt to keep the clutter in a confined space! 
Also any water spills don't get near the lamp then.

An antique linen and some clothes pins 
And of course fabulous vintage plates!
How do you treat this area of your home?


  1. Lovely !!!...enjoy the weekend Ria...x !!

  2. So pretty and I just love that little milk glass oil lamp!! So sweet! xo Heather

  3. Simply beautiful! My husband's too butterfingered for me to have such a vignette in our kitchen!

  4. What an amazing set-up beside your sink! It was great to meet you on Friday Colleen, I hope you have a great week!
