Monday, March 10, 2014

Milk Glass Mondays

Milk Glass Monday

So Pretty 
Milk Glass 
Sitting on our Kitchen Table
Waiting to go to our 
Booth @


  1. Colleen, I always love seeing your milk glass collection. Every single time I see a white piece I think of you and wonder if it really is milk glass and would you buy it. I am sad to report that, just this last Friday, I turned away from the exact piece you have in the middle foreground of the photo.

    Will you please share what I should be looking for in an authentic piece. xo

  2. Enjoy the day...have a nice week love Ria....x !

  3. Love this photo - milk glass is my absolute favorite :)

  4. I found my first piece of milk glass and am smitten. Can't wait to go thrifting to find more! Better yet - I should hit your booth!
