Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Matching White Frames....

W H I T E  F R A M E S

W H I T E 
W E D N E S D A Y 
...oops something happened and the post I had scheduled didn't load!
So I will  show you a pair of white frames!
These will go to our booth@

I love all the detail!
They will go for mirrors or chalkboards!
What would you use them for?


  1. from me.....x !

  2. ~pretty frames Colleen! You can never have too many! I love visiting your booth, always new treasures to see there and so beautifully displayed!
    Tracey xox

  3. Such lovely frames...hard to find a matching pair. I found a sweet framed print of sheep at a flea market Friday....wasn't sure which I adored more, the picture or the frame?

    Thanks for such a sweet comment over at my blog!

    You are a dear!
