Thursday, July 31, 2014

Roses from the Garden

Sorry the colours differ here but used my phone!
I am blessed to have a tiny tiny sun garden
4' by 20'
But I have the best roses!
And this is a wee bouquet
with Ladies Mantle
Queen Elizabeth Roses 
and a few others that I 
dont remember!
But lovely to look at and so fragrant!

What's important to me is disease resistance
(we don't use anything but sometimes I wash them with kitchen soap)
colour and fragrance.

I just LOVE these flowers!

What's your favorite flower in your garden right now?
Do you pick them to bring inside!

1 comment:

  1. Wowww beautiful That color...i have no garden.......but terraces.....2 of them...haxe a Nice day love Ria...x!
