Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday....and Milk Glass

I usually do 
White Wednesday 
Milk Glass Monday
But its our long weekend here in B.C.
And I thought these pretty
Milk Glass 
Pieces where worth celebrating over!

Pictures taken by our talented daughter

Milk Glass 
pieces do not last long at out booth 

And this long weekend the 
Village Antique Mall
will be very popular!
Located in 
Fort Langley B.C.
Have a great weekend!
Are you celebrating?

Friday, August 15, 2014

Front Porch

Just a repeat of our front porch!
Chandelier chippy paint 
pink floral and flowers!

Yes we have a framed mirror on our front porch! 
Everyone uses it...even caught the paper boy looking in it!
He doesn't know I saw him!

My favorite Barkcloth Fabric..

Ticking fabric cane backed chair 
...ooops and dust!

!Have a Great Weekend!

Enjoy these last few weeks of summer!
What will you be doing?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Teacup Tuesday!

I love how these 
echo the sweet colours of summer!

TEACUPS and more at our booth at the
In Historic 
Fort Langley B.C.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Pink Roses

P I N K  R O S E S 
 From Our Garden

(and no I am not advertising for this wine!)

And a MILK GLASS Egg Plate

 (Obviously didn't stage this as there is a lot of stuff showing!)

Enjoying the heat we are getting here in the 
Fraser Valley, part of the 
Pacific South West of
July and so far August!
The flowers love it!

What are your flowers doing in your planters or garden?

Are you enjoying your weather!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Our Back Yard & Mothers day Azalea

Yeah for the weekend!
We had a long one at that.
 The first monday of August
Is B.C. Day!

But going back a few months.....
For Mothers Day Bob bought me an 
Azalea Standard...Topiary?
It was so beautiful and lasted over a month.
I am keeping it alive (so far) 
and hoping it will re-bloom next spring!

At the end of June our roses and Ladys Mantle are stunning.
It is my favorite time in the garden as I can have glorious bouquets.
If you saw a few posts back you will know what I mean!

The picture below was taken from the steps at our back door 
as the cats are enjoying the furniture!
I had to rip off the  fabric on the couch and chair 
I had done a few years ago as it went moldy! 
But the green velvet is just fine!
I need to come up with plan C but for now we wait!

This is the furniture looking lovely for the Canadian Living Photo Shoot

Looks like I did a bit of magazine moving...
I really do sit out here so the magazines are there for a quick look during my morning lattes!

This is the Azalea soon after it came to had sooo many blooms.
And in my favorite flower colour...PINK!

...and this is it in all its aging beauty!

What is your favorite time of the year in your garden?
What did YOU do this weekend?

Friday, August 1, 2014

BC Day Long Weekend!

Its B.C. Day weekend.
The first Monday of the month of August we get to celebrate!

Canada is a beautiful country 
British Columbia is a wonderful province!

And I am so thankful for my city and the surrounding countryside!

I hope your weekend is full of family friends and fun!
There is much to celebrate!