Yeah for the weekend!
We had a long one at that.
The first monday of August
Is B.C. Day!
But going back a few months.....
For Mothers Day Bob bought me an
Azalea Standard...Topiary?
It was so beautiful and lasted over a month.
I am keeping it alive (so far)
and hoping it will re-bloom next spring!
At the end of June our roses and Ladys Mantle are stunning.
It is my favorite time in the garden as I can have glorious bouquets.
If you saw a few posts back you will know what I mean!
The picture below was taken from the steps at our back door
as the cats are enjoying the furniture!
I had to rip off the fabric on the couch and chair
I had done a few years ago as it went moldy!
But the green velvet is just fine!
I need to come up with plan C but for now we wait!
This is the furniture looking lovely for the Canadian Living Photo Shoot
Looks like I did a bit of magazine moving...
I really do sit out here so the magazines are there for a quick look during my morning lattes!
This is the Azalea soon after it came to had sooo many blooms.
And in my favorite flower colour...PINK!
...and this is it in all its aging beauty!
What is your favorite time of the year in your garden?
What did YOU do this weekend?
Spring is my favorite ...but i also like summer...i am lots and lots ours outsite right now......enjoying the good your garden pictures !!!it look great !!!! from me...Ria...x !