Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Vanity Mirrors

I am so happy to have another group of
To take to my booth 

Just in time for Christmas!
I use these mirrors everywhere
To keep vignettes
Looking special!
Do you have any 
Vanity Mirrors? 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Christmas At The Schoolhouse ..

This last Saturday I and 
A Vintage Market

In the Historic Village Of 
our home town of 
Abbotsford B.C.

Here are a few pictures of 
Vintage Home 

Dishes serving pieces mirrors...all ready for the holidays to brighten up your home!

I never thought these trees would be so popular!
They are gone!
They look wonderful tucked in bookshelves, on window sills
Some even hang on trees!

 Ironstone was a huge hit!

This is the flip side of the front entrance...I will share the other side next post!

Was our market photographer!

The market was a blast, well attended and 
a great benefit to
Cyrus Centre.

WE are so thankful for all our VENDORS (a list of them will be posted soon!) for their huge efforts
to create collect and curate their treasures!
Thank you to everyone for coming out and 
Making this our first hosting of a market such a success!
We had live music (next post!) fabulous food (next post!)
delightful greenery and arrangements....
and a fun lounge, for resting
between shopping and having a drink at the Hot Cider Bar!
(next post!)

I personally want to thank all the guests that came out to my VINTAGE HOME BOOTH 
the seasoned shoppers adding to their collections,
And the new home creators that want the patina of
the VINTAGE look!

Have a great weekend....theres lots of
Vintage &  Handmade Markets this weekend!
Are you going to one?

Friday, November 28, 2014

Fabric Friday Barkcloth Cushions Purple

F A B R I  C   F R I D A Y  

I love Fabric
BARKCLOTH is a favorite!

Here is a link to Raggy Girl Vintage
My friend Tracey & I went to a private supplier
of fabulous fabrics!
Tracey has written a little information out about this wonderful fabric called BARKCLOTH.

Custom cushions in our booth
Village Antique Mall

This saturday 
Linda is going to be a Vendor at
a market I am co-hosting!!


Have a great weekend!

I hope you have time to go to a  
Vintage Market this Seasons!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Just a wee shout out to the Vendors...
Today is Eleonore 
She has climbed threw snow wrestled blackberry bushes in the name of 
getting Vintage Wood!

Cutlery holders trays and boxes! 

Branches for handles

Wonderful colours and styles!

Useful and attratcive!

Visit our FB page to learn more about our 
Christmas At The Schoolhouse Market!


Centre pieces cutlery plants books magazines 
clutter keys 
What would you use them for?

Friday, November 21, 2014

Christmas At The Schoolhouse

Hosting a  market is a 
lot of work!
(Always know they worked so  hard,
I stand sit and lie down in awe of those that have blazed the trial before me!) 

But oh so exciting....
And creatively wonderful! 

  We have the best vendors
that have picked and hunted


Please join us here in the Fraser Valley
60 min from Vancouver 
as we give you a
Christmas Experience!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday...Market Mess

Its too early to be loading up for the
But some frames were at a wedding, 
A pretty turquoise lamp.
Some cushions.
They just need to be packed up 
to be put in the trailer!
See the round table upside down
I am so excited to work on this piece...
(well Bob work on this piece)
 and I will load up with wonderful
C H R I S T M A S 

I can't believe how time is ticking away!
My head is so bursting with the design for the 
relaxing beautiful lounge area.
Where you can rest up to gather strength to shop some more!

How are all your Christmas plans going ?
If you are in a market let me know!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Fridays Flowers...October 2014...Last Roses?

These are our October Roses

Hard to believe it but we will get these till November!

It is such a blessing to have these roses and this sunshine in my home today!

Hard to believe Thanksgiving is over 
& I am thinking of 

What are you thinking of these days?
What flowers are still in your garden?
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

White Wednesday ...or could be Milk Glass Monday

Just a quick post to show you some fabulous 
Milk Glass
Always a favourite at the booth!
Village Antique Mall

Do you like Milk Glass?
Do you collect it?

Friday, September 26, 2014

smoking stand candle holders

Vintage Smoking Stands
Now a Candle holder ! 

I cant imagine butting out a cigarette in 
such a pretty crystal stand!
I assume they stood next to the chair,
right with in reach!
But here it is with a huge candle right on the spot
where a different fame would be extinguished!

Relatively inexpensive.

Found at garage sales or thrift stores.
A friend has hers at the front door and drops her keys in it!

A good cleaning and some paint!

Have you any memory of these?
Would you ever recreate one?

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Fridays Flowers Kitchen Sink Roses


 Even when there are no roses in the garden 
I can quickly run to Costco!
Have a great weekend and I hope its lovely!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Turquoise Tuesday

t u r q u o i s e   t u e s d a y 

Isn't  this globe fabulous!
Sadly I cant get it on its axis right!
Anybody out there have any advice?
Let me know what I should do!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Just a a few of my favorite things!

Just a few favorite things!
Vintage of course
Fabrics dishes tables and chairs!

My face book page

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday....and Milk Glass

I usually do 
White Wednesday 
Milk Glass Monday
But its our long weekend here in B.C.
And I thought these pretty
Milk Glass 
Pieces where worth celebrating over!

Pictures taken by our talented daughter

Milk Glass 
pieces do not last long at out booth 

And this long weekend the 
Village Antique Mall
will be very popular!
Located in 
Fort Langley B.C.
Have a great weekend!
Are you celebrating?

Friday, August 15, 2014

Front Porch

Just a repeat of our front porch!
Chandelier chippy paint 
pink floral and flowers!

Yes we have a framed mirror on our front porch! 
Everyone uses it...even caught the paper boy looking in it!
He doesn't know I saw him!

My favorite Barkcloth Fabric..

Ticking fabric cane backed chair 
...ooops and dust!

!Have a Great Weekend!

Enjoy these last few weeks of summer!
What will you be doing?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Teacup Tuesday!

I love how these 
echo the sweet colours of summer!

TEACUPS and more at our booth at the
In Historic 
Fort Langley B.C.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Pink Roses

P I N K  R O S E S 
 From Our Garden

(and no I am not advertising for this wine!)

And a MILK GLASS Egg Plate

 (Obviously didn't stage this as there is a lot of stuff showing!)

Enjoying the heat we are getting here in the 
Fraser Valley, part of the 
Pacific South West of
July and so far August!
The flowers love it!

What are your flowers doing in your planters or garden?

Are you enjoying your weather!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Our Back Yard & Mothers day Azalea

Yeah for the weekend!
We had a long one at that.
 The first monday of August
Is B.C. Day!

But going back a few months.....
For Mothers Day Bob bought me an 
Azalea Standard...Topiary?
It was so beautiful and lasted over a month.
I am keeping it alive (so far) 
and hoping it will re-bloom next spring!

At the end of June our roses and Ladys Mantle are stunning.
It is my favorite time in the garden as I can have glorious bouquets.
If you saw a few posts back you will know what I mean!

The picture below was taken from the steps at our back door 
as the cats are enjoying the furniture!
I had to rip off the  fabric on the couch and chair 
I had done a few years ago as it went moldy! 
But the green velvet is just fine!
I need to come up with plan C but for now we wait!

This is the furniture looking lovely for the Canadian Living Photo Shoot

Looks like I did a bit of magazine moving...
I really do sit out here so the magazines are there for a quick look during my morning lattes!

This is the Azalea soon after it came to me...it had sooo many blooms.
And in my favorite flower colour...PINK!

...and this is it in all its aging beauty!

What is your favorite time of the year in your garden?
What did YOU do this weekend?

Friday, August 1, 2014

BC Day Long Weekend!

Its B.C. Day weekend.
The first Monday of the month of August we get to celebrate!

Canada is a beautiful country 
British Columbia is a wonderful province!

And I am so thankful for my city and the surrounding countryside!

I hope your weekend is full of family friends and fun!
There is much to celebrate!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Roses from the Garden

Sorry the colours differ here but used my phone!
I am blessed to have a tiny tiny sun garden
4' by 20'
But I have the best roses!
And this is a wee bouquet
with Ladies Mantle
Queen Elizabeth Roses 
and a few others that I 
dont remember!
But lovely to look at and so fragrant!

What's important to me is disease resistance
(we don't use anything but sometimes I wash them with kitchen soap)
colour and fragrance.

I just LOVE these flowers!

What's your favorite flower in your garden right now?
Do you pick them to bring inside!